The public sector is both a significant customer and an important stakeholder group for Essity. The company is therefore working actively on matters relating to health and medical care, e.g. incontinence care often linked to elderly care as well as wound care sometimes linked to certain chronic diseases. By complying with and contributing to the development of relevant regulations, Essity shares its experience garnered from existing systems to decision-makers in countries where new structures are being built or existing systems reformed. An example of this is the development of systems for subsidized prescription of incontinence aids in countries where such benefits were not offered in the past. Similarly, Essity monitors developments in regulations covering medical solutions.

A regulatory framework that contributes to sustainable innovations is key to our business, and environmental issues are high on our agenda. Hence, some key areas Public Affairs focus on are: Circular economy, Climate and Energy, Fiber sourcing, issues relating to Waste, Plastics, Transparency, as well as emissions to water and air. The Public Affairs work at Essity is partly carried out in cross functional networks. The networks are composed by representatives from different business unites in order to rely on the relevant expertise in the policy issue.